Saturday, June 1, 2024

Civil War Battles with Funny Names

I’m an old Civil War buff from way back. I also love names, especially funny ones. Put the two together, and you’ve got … this blog post.

Without further ado, and in order of increasing oddness, may I present to you …

15. Cloyd’s Mountain
Year:  1864
State:  VA
Victor:  Union

Union forces destroy a large railroad bridge linking Richmond to the west. Confederate Brigadier General Albert Jenkins was a casualty.

No idea who Cloyd was.

Albert and his famous beard

14. Peeble’s Farm 
Year:  1864
State:  VA
Victor:  Union

AKA Poplar Springs Church & Poplar Grove Church. A flanking manuever as part of the Petersburg Campaign.

Not to be confused with the Arkansas corn maze:

13. Griswoldville 
Year:  1864
State:  GA
Victor:  Union

Part of Sherman’s March to the Sea. An industrial center, the town of Griswoldville was destroyed during the battle.

Mr Griswold, town founder

12. Hatteras Inlet Batteries 
Year:  1861
State:  NC
Victor:  Union

First combined action (army & navy) of the war. Opened up the Pamlico & Albemarle sounds to Union domination. The batteries were Ft Clark & Ft Hatteras.

And not these

11. Island Number Ten 
Year:  1862
State:  MO
Victor:  Union

Naval bombardment & storming of a vital Confederate fort on the Mississippi. Opened up the upper Mississippi. Resulted in the capture of 7,000 prisoners.

10. Vermilion Bayou 
Year:  1863
State:  LA
Victor:  Union 

Ooh, my favorite color …

AKA Pinhook Bridge. One of a series of battles as Union general Nathaniel Banks chased Confederate general Richard Taylor north from New Orleans.

An entirely different battle altogether

9. Totopotomoy Creek
Year:  1864
State:  VA
Victor:  inconclusive

Easy for you to say …

AKA Bethesda Church, Crumps Creek, Shady Grove Road & Hanovertown (could someone please make up their mind?). Part of the Overland Campaign, a flanking manuever by Grant on Lee. Led to the Battle of Cold Harbor.

Thanks, Google Images

8. Droop Mountain 
Year:  1863
State:  WV
Victor:  Union

How can a mountain droop?

One of the biggest battles in WV. Essentially ended Confederate resistance in the state. Author has visited.

Gen William “Mudwall” Jackson fought in the battle for the Rebels (I kid you not)

7. Big Bethel 
Year:  1861
State:  VA
Victor:  CSA

AKA Bethel Church & Great Bethel. One of the first battles of the war. Basically a bumbling Union attack up the Virginia Peninsula.  

A modern-day attraction

6. Fort Pillow 
Year:  1864
State:  TN
Victor:  CSA

AKA Fort Pillow Masacre. Massacre of Union Colored Troops trying to surrender by Nathan Bedford Forrest. One of the absolute low points of the war.

Fort namesake (and wonderfully named) CSA Gen. Gideon Pillow

5. Lone Jack 
Year:  1862
State:  MO
Victor:  CSA

Guerilla action only miles away from Kansas City. Named after the town where the fighting occurred. Outlaw Cole Younger was a participant.

Town was named after a lone black jack oak that served as a local landmark

4. Middle Boggy
Year:  1864
State:  OK
Victor:  Union

AKA as Middle Boggy River & Middle Boggy Depot. Surprise attack on an outpost of 90 men, more than half of whom ended up casualties (the Union had 0). Took place in Choctaw Indian Territory.

Confederate commander & Seminole chief John Jumper

3. First Battle of Deep Bottom 
Year:  1864
State:  VA
Victor:  CSA

Tee-hee-hee, you said “bottom”

AKA Darbytown, Strawberry Plains, New Market Road & Gravel Hill. Part of the Siege of Petersburg. Confederates were able to hold off Union attack. Second battle – with the exact same results – occurred a month later.

Thanks again, Googles Images

2. Second Battle of Newtonia
Year:  1864
State:  MO
Victor:  Union

I wonder if the Newtonians won?

Tail end of CSA Gen. Sterling’s Price’s raid into Missouri. Clash of Union cavalry & Confederate rear guard infantry. Reverse of the first battle, which the Confederacy won. 

Newtonia’s other claim to fame was a 2008 tornado

1. Battle of Knives & Forks 
Year:  1861
State:  WV
Victor:  CSA

You gotta be kiddin me …

AKA Kessler’s Cross Lanes & Cross Lanes. Rebel surprise attack at breakfast (hence the name). Led to Battle of Carnifex Ferry. 

If it wasn’t for that last line, I’da thought that was totally made up