Monday, January 20, 2025

Most Ridiculous NCAA Conferences

Remember the Pac-10? Remember when the Big 10 had ten teams? Remember when the ACC was actually on the Atlantic coast?

Well, not no more, folks. I tell ya, it is really starting to get out of hand. 

Now, the question for me is always, is there any way to put a number on this craziness? Perhaps the easiest way to do that would be to simply compute the longest distance between any two teams in that conference. Now, I’m not talking about the 15 miles between Duke and UNC. I’m talking about, say, Duke and Stanford.

So, based on that, here are the eight craziest conferences out there. I’m limiting it to only those conferences with numbers over 1,000 miles, ranking them by increasing mileage. Finally, I looked at driving mileage, not air.

Okay, let’s see what we got …

Big East

1424 miles

Providence to Creighton

Fun fact:  Nine of the 11 schools are Catholic 

It’s on IMdB

American Athletic 

1744 miles

Temple to UTSA

Fun fact:  Have two teams named the Owls, Rice and Temple

Sun Belt

1521 miles

Old Dominion to Texas State

Fun fact:  According to this Wikipedia map of the actual sunbelt, four Sun Belt teams shouldn’t be in the conference

Conference USA

1822 miles

Liberty to New Mexico State

Fun fact:  Will jump a little further down the list when the Univ. of Delaware joins in 2025

Western Athletic

2067 miles

Seattle to UT Arlington

Fun fact:  34 former members

And this is on YouTube

Big 12 

2155 miles

West Virginia to Arizona State

Fun fact:  Actually has 16 teams

What the future might hold in store

Big 10

2844 miles

Rutgers to Univ. of Washington

Fun fact:  Actually has 18 schools


3126 miles

Boston College to Stanford

Fun fact:  2 teams are now on the Pacific Coast

Got it?

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Really Weird Mushrooms - 2/2

Last week, we looked at weirdly-named mushrooms #50 through #26. This week, it’s a countdown to #1. Here we go!


25. Dog Stinkhorn (Mutinus elegans)

“Its common names in French, Phallus de Chien, Satyre des chiens, also hint at its resemblance to a dog penis.”

Fun fact:  Other stinkhorns include netted, lattice & chambered


24. Ragged Dapperling (Lepiota clypeolaria)

I can definitely see the ragged part

Fun fact:  “Dapperling” means “little dapper fellow” (which I don’t see)


23. Manywarts (Amanita polypramis)

Yup, no shortage of warts here

22. Sock Hop (Marasmius cohaerens)

“A bland, boring LBM (Little Brown Mushroom)” (

Fun fact:  I have absolutely no idea where the “sock hop” comes from (and could only find it in Peterson’s)


21. Litter Tooth (Phellodon fuligineoalbus)

Sticky surface atrracts leaves, sticks & other detritus (hence the “litter”)

AKA:  Other Tooths include Cracked, Dusky, Fleshy, Stacked, Sweet & Zoned


20. Veiled Oyster (Pleurotus dryinus)

“One of the more obscure varieties of edible oyster mushroom”

19. Dungdrops (Bolbitius titubans)

Gumdrops and cough drops … meet Dungdrops

Fun fact:  AKA the Sunny Side Up, which sounds much more pleasant


18. Depressed Hedgehog (Hydnum umbilicatum)

The “depressed” comes from an indentation in the cap

Fun fact:  AKA as the Dimpled Hedgehog


17. Recurved Earthball (Scleroderma flavidum)

A kind of puffball

16. Liver Milkcap (Lactarius hepaticus)

Its color is supposedly “liver-brown”; the cap exudes a whitish substance when torn

Fun fact:  Other milkcaps (and there are many) include Bleeding, Coconut, Curry, Fishy, Huddled, Slimy, Smoky & Sooty


15. Scaley Earhorn (Turbinellus floccosus)

Surprisingly descriptive

Fun fact:  AKA Scaly Vase & Shaggy/Scaly/Wooly Chanterelle


14. Tiny Navelcap (Loreleia postii)

Oddly explanatory

Fun fact:  Latin name after American mycologist, Dr. Lorelei L. Norvell 

13. Cloying Brittlegill (Russula fragrantissima)

“Odor strong and fragrant, reminiscent of maraschino cherries, almonds, or benzaldehyde”

Fun fact:  Other Brittlegills include Blackeye, Frogskin, Stinkstain & Stubby

12. Champagne Deathcap (Amanita crenulata)

From its color and noted toxicity

Fun fact:  Other Deathcaps include Caesar’s, Chlorine, Sock-foot & Turnip-foot


11. Troop Crumblecap (Coprinellus disseminatus)

Grow in large groups, or “troops”

Fun fact:  It was either this or Corrugated Crumblecap (Coprinellus disseminatus)

10. Drumstick Truffleclub (Tolypocladium capitatum)

Grows on truffles; top looks like a … er …uh, club. Yup, that's it, a club.

9. Poison-Pie (Hebeloma crustuliniforme)

It’s poisonous alright

Fun fact:  Also known as the rather tempting Fairy Cakes

8. Stinking Parasol (Lepiota cristata)

Has “an unpleasant odour resembling burnt rubber”

Fun fact:  AKA Stinking Dapperling (see #24)

7. Dingy-Dish (Lepista tarda)

Google returns mostly recipes for this one

6. Big Laughing Gym (Gymnopilus junonius)

No clue what’s so funny

C’mon, at least gimme a smile!

Fun fact:  AKA Spectacular Rustgill & Laughing Rustgill

5. Green Gillgobbler (Hypomyces viridis)

Alliteration for the win!

Fun fact:  Actually an infection of Russula mushrooms

4. Pimplecicle (Cordyceps militaris)

No, Google, I did not mean “pimple cycle”

Fun fact:  Grows out of underground insect pupae

3. Scurfy Twiglet (Tubaria furfuracea)

Shakespearean curse?

Fun fact:  AKA the Totally Tedious Tubaria (Wikipedia)


2. Mousepee Pinkgill (Entoloma incanum)

“Said to have an odour reminiscent of caged mice”

Fun fact:  Often, but not always, greenish

1. Irksome Cavalier (Tricholoma inamoenum)

“Irksome” meaning poisonous in this instance, I guess

Fun fact:  Other cavaliers might be Collared, Soapy, or Sooty

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Really Weird Mushrooms – 1/2

 I’ve recently gotten into mushrooms. I gotta admit, it’s a pretty weird space.

First of all, there are so many of them, and they can be so much alike. Further, some minor detail can make all the difference between something that’s edible and delicious and something that will sicken or kill you.

Second, it attracts a very odd following. Probably the funniest Facebook group I belong to is one dedicated to mushroom identification. I’d say about a third of the posts have to have comments turned off because the discussions get so heated. Wonderfully nerdy.

Finally, there are the names. Dead Man’s Fingers, anyone? How about False Eyelash Cup? Custard Crust, Witches Butter, Bone Bowl, Forest Lamb? Golden Helmets, Yellow Blusher, Tinderhoof?

Below, I’m sharing my top 50, ranked in increasing order of craziness (but split over two posts, as there are so many). Enjoy!

50. Piglet  (Microstoma floccosum)

They’re small, pink, and have white hairs, but otherwise have nothing to do with baby pigs

49. Dung Apples (Pizolithus arhizus)

Sure enough, they look a lot like “road apples”

Fun fact:  Also known as dead man's foot, dyeball, pardebal & Bohemian truffle

48. Clabber Dots (Byssonnectria cartilagenia)

Look more like salmon roe to me (clabber is a white, yogurt-like product, with visible curds)

47. Coal Balls (Daldinia concentrica)

They’re black and round all right

Fun fact:  AKA Coal Fungus, King Alfred's Cake & Cramp Balls

46. Cauliflower Ruffles (Sparasis spathulata)

Definitely looks like cauliflower

Fun fact:  Edible & with a “mild, nutty, and earthy flavor”

45. Strict Coral (Ramaria stricta)

Very coral-like; not so sure why it’s so strict

Fun fact:  AKA Upright Coral

44. Winter Stalkball (Tulostoma brumale)

You sure that’s not a sport?

Fun fact:  Brumale means winter, when the thing actually appears

43. Stinksac (Phallogaster saccatus)

“The internal tissue is gelatinous with distinct chambers in the upper portion holding the dark green, slimy, fetid spore masses at maturity.”

Fun fact:  AKA Club-shaped Stinkhorn or Stink Poke

42. Mudsplat (Pachyella clypeata)

Yeah, I think I can see it

41. Slime Pouch (Cortinarius pinguis)

Would make a great insult 

Fun fact:  Strong, sweet odor

40. White Cheese Polypore (Tyromyces chioneus)

Very descriptive ... except when it comes to edibility, that is

Fun fact:  Polypores have pores instead of gills

39. Artist’s Conk (Ganoderma applanatum)

Believe it or not, you can draw on them with your fingernail, and the image will stick

Fun fact:  Conks are shelf-like projections that appear on standing trees

38. Wine Slimecap (Chroogomphus vinicolor)

Surprisingly descriptive

37. Cylindric Lizard-Claw (Lysurus cruciatus)

Looks like something else to me

Fun fact:  There’s a ribbed one as well

36. Ivory Fiberhead (Inocybe geophylla)

Beginning our set of mushrooms that sound like the characters in a bad novel / movie

Fun fact:  Highly poisonous

35. Wrinkled Scaberstalk (Leccinum scabrum)

Scabers are the little black things on the stalk

Fun fact:  There is also a Ghost Scaberstalk

34. Domicile Cup (Peziza domiciliana)

They are actually famous for sprouting indoors (i.e., in people’s domiciles)

Fun fact:  Has been found in Antartica & the Himalayas

33. Carnation Fiberfan (Thelephora caryophyllea)

Another great character name

Fun fact:  Suppilosilokka in Finnish, Prachtfranjezwam in Dutch & Trichterförmiger Warzenpilz in German

32. Dingy Stickycap (Suillus umbonatus)

“Among the drabbest, least conspicuous of our local slippery jacks”

Fun fact:  Other Stickycaps include Spicy, Stubby, Weeping, Wooly & Chicken-fat

31. Imperial Tallowgill (Catathelasma imperiale)

“"Imperial’ refers to the (at times) imposing size of the fruit bodies.”

Fun fact:  Edible but endangered

30. Jelly Woodcrust (Phlebia tremellosa)

“The consistency is soft, elastic, and gelatinous when fresh.”

Fun fact:  AKA Jelly Rot

29. Berkeley’s Fanfare (Bondarzewia berkeleyi)

Well, it certainly is big and showy

Fun fact:  A “parasitic butt rott”

28. Stinky Squid (Pseudocolus fusiformis)

Oddly descriptive

Fun fact:  “The foul smell of stinkhorns at maturity would likely deter most individuals from eating them.”

27. Violet Toughshank ("Gymnopus iocephalus")

Perfect character name

Fun fact:  “Odor … sometimes reported as reminiscent of gunpowder, garlic, or radish.”

26. Shaggybear (Lactarius repraesentaneus)

It certainly is shaggy

Fun fact:  Source of an antibiotic

Next week, #25 through #1