Monday, December 2, 2024

Secret Catholic Colleges

We all know that Notre Dame’s a Catholic school, right? 

Same goes with anything with a name like Sacred Heart, Assumption, Holy Cross, Incarnate Word …

And you can usually count on any place named after a saint – St. John’s, St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas, St. Norbert …

Did you know, though, that Georgetown’s a Catholic school? How about Boston College?

Whoops, wrong one

Now, if you’re a Catholic, or a big sports fan, or both, you probably did. Here’s a few, though, that might stump even you.


These are pretty clever. Instead of calling your school St. Catherine, try Siena instead. Instead of St. Aloysius, how about Gonzaga? St. Francis Xavier? Nah, Loyola!

Villanova – after St. Thomas of Villanova, a major advocate for the poor

LaSalle – after St. Jean Baptiste de la Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers

Seton Hall – after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first saint born in the US

Chaminade – after St. Guillaume-Joseph Cahminade, founder of the Marianists

Iona – from Iona Island, in Scotland, a famous center of Gaelic monasticism in the Middle Ages

I also own a castle

Marquette – after Pere Marquette, an early Jesuit missionary to – and explorer of – the Midwest

DePaul – after St. Vincent De Paul, another advocate for the poor

Bellarmine – after St. Robert Bellarmine, Jesuit, cardinal, and doctor of the church 

Canisius – after St. Peter Canisius, a Dutch educator and early Jesuit

They’re the Golden Griffins

No Connection

As for these, there doesn’t seem to be any Catholic tie at all. And for a lot of them, it might just be a case of because it was available.

Manhattan – it’s actually in the Bronx

Providence (RI) - the newest of 6 colleges in the city (guess they were just excited to actually be able to grab the name)

Stonehill (MA) – from the name of the estate of the Ames family, who donated it to the church

Dayton – originally St. Mary’s College; changed when the school became a university, and “to reflect its close connection with the city of Dayton as well as to claim an American identity for its Catholic students” 

Niagara – originally The College and Seminary of Our Lady of Angels … maybe so it wouldn’t get confused with UCLA?

Fairfield (CT) – in the town of Fairfield; originally Fairfield Univ. of Robert Bellarmine (see above)

Fordham (NY) – founded as St. John’s College; changed to the town in which it was located

Creighton (NE) – after benefactor, businessman Edward Creighton

He built the first transcontinental telegraph

Seattle (WA) – the second college in Seattle after the Univ. of Washington 

San Francisco – originally St. Ignatius College; changed when the school became a university 

Santa Clara (CA) – heck, the city’s named after a saint anyway, right?

Portland (OR) – formerly a Methodist college, taken over by the Catholic church after it was abandoned (but without ever changing the name)

Dallas – originally Holy Trinity College

San Diego – founded in 1949

St. Louis – hey, this city’s named after a saint too

They’re called the Billikens
(whatever that is)

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